Read Ranger A Humble Beginning (Volume 1)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2016-02-22
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Original language: English
Randy was a man born in the wrong era. For he lived in modern times but had the soul of a gentle cowboy. He tipped his hat and opened doors for strangers. He said “yes ma’am” and “no sir” when it was neither required nor expected. He was kind to others. And therein was the enigma that was Randy. For his chosen profession was that of a lawman. And sometimes the two personas didn’t necessarily jive. Actually that last statement wasn’t quite true. For being a modern-day Texas Ranger wasn’t really a profession Randy chose. It was a family tradition, and one which he was expected to carry on. Randy was actually the fifth Texas Ranger in the family. The last in a line of five consecutive generations. Old Buford P. Maloney started the tradition when he lied about his age to enlist in the Rangers in 1895. The Comanche still roamed West Texas in small pockets back then. Buford P. was wounded by a brave’s arrow on his twentieth birthday but survived. Randy owed his very existence to Buford T.’s stubbornness and his unwillingness to die on that Lubbock prairie that particular day. Flash forward, modern day. Randy still wears old Buford T.’s badge. It’s beaten and pitted and rusty, but it still outshines all the others. Four generations before him have proven their worth as members of the premier law enforcement agency in the State of Texas. Now it’s Randy’s turn to prove his mettle. But he’ll prove it against an adversary his forefathers never had to challenge. He’ll confront the biggest catastrophe mankind has ever faced. In a newly cold and cruel world, where few will survive. And he’ll do it with the honor and distinction of a Texas Ranger. [FIRST] RWBY VOLUME 4 Chapter 1 - The Next Step RWBY: Volume 4 Chapter 1: The Next Step. It's been several months since the Fall of Beacon and the world of Remnant is still recovering. Tensions are high lives ... GSA Fleet Vehicle Sales 2002 FREIGHTLINER School Bus 0610N VIN : 4UZAAXAK72CJ87535 Next Reggae Vibes Albums Reviews Page Bitty McLean : Made In Jamaica (Peckings Presents: Soul Vendors Supersonics & The Sound Dimensions) TDHS - Bulletins - Traralgon History Bulletins. Below are abstracts of our 45+ years of the Society's bulletin (generally published on a quarterly basis). More abstracts are being added slowly as time ... - Official Tickets and Your Source for Live ... brings you inside access to tickets artist news and exclusive stories on concerts tours sports teams family events arts theater and festivals ... The Latest On AXS The AXS Cookie Policy. This website like most others uses cookies in order to give you a great online experience. By continuing to use our website you accept to our ... 10000 Famous Freemasons By William R. Denslow - Volume 1 ... Note: Phoenixmasonry is proud to present the below optically scanned version of William R. Denslow's "10000 Famous Freemasons." This scan was made by Ralph Annotations to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume ... Annotations to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume III Chapter Two a.k.a. Century: 1969. by Jess Nevins . Unless otherwise specified all figures identified are ... Country Music Lyrics Volume 1 with Chords - Foundation country music lyrics. volume i. with chords . 22 november 2001. updated 24 july 2013 . all in key of a unless otherwise indicated 2001-2013 joseph george caldwell. 10000 Famous Freemasons by William R. Denslow - Volume 2 ... Note: Phoenixmasonry is proud to present the below optically scanned version of William R. Denslow's "10000 Famous Freemasons." This scan was made by Ralph
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